Configure One-to-One relationship using Fluent API in Entity Framework Core

Configure One-to-One relationship using Fluent API in Entity Framework Core

We can configure Entity Framework Core One-to-One Relationship by the use of Fluent API. The One-to-One Relationship is established by using the HasOne – WithOne pattern. Note that we can also create this relationship by using EF Core Conventions.

Let’s create Entity Framework Core One-to-One relationship between City and CityInformation entities using Fluent API.

The 2 entity classes are:

public class City
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public int CityInformationId { get; set; }
    public CityInformation CityInformation { get; set; }
public class CityInformation
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Population { get; set; }
    public string OtherName { get; set; }
    public string MayorName { get; set; }
    public City City { get; set; }

The City entity has a Reference Navigation Property called CityInformation.

public CityInformation CityInformation { get; set; }

Similary the CityInformation entity has a Reference Navigation Property called City

public City City { get; set; }

Next configure the OnModelCreating method in the DB Context Class of Entity Framework Core as shown below.

public class CountryContext: DbContext
    public DbSet<City> City { get; set; }
    public DbSet<CityInformation> CityInformation { get; set; }

    public CountryContext(DbContextOptions<CountryContext> options) : base(options)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        //Write Fluent API configurations here

                    .HasOne(e => e.CityInformation)
                    .WithOne(e => e.City)
                    .HasForeignKey<City>(e => e.CityInformationId);

In the above code we have used the HasOne – WithOne pattern to create One-to-One Relationship between City & CityInformation entities.

You can also create the same relationship the other way around like what we did in the below code.

            .HasOne(e => e.City)
            .WithOne(e => e.CityInformation)
            .HasForeignKey<City>(e => e.CityInformationId);

On doing the EF Core Migrations the foreign key i.e. one-to-one relationship is created which is shown in the below image:

entity framework core one to one relationship

Understanding in Details

Let’s understand it in step by step.

  • modelBuilder.Entity() starts configuring the City entity.
  • The HasOne(e => e.City) method specifies that the City entity includes one CityInformation reference navigation property.
  • The .WithOne(e => e.CityInformation) configures the other end of the relationship, i.e. the CityInformation entity. It specifies that the ‘CityInformation’ entity includes a reference navigation property of ‘City’ type.
  • The .HasForeignKey(e => e.CityInformationId) specifies the foreign key property name which is the CityInformationId column.

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